Changing from Instructor to Specialist in Humanities but visa also coming up for renewal in a month

Just a bit of a niche question here because I haven't found any answers where someone is doing both at the same time – I've looked up information regarding the visa renewal process and the process for changing from an instructor to specialist in humanities visa, but is it possible to just do both at once as part of your visa renewal? (Renew your visa and switch to Specialist in Humanities at the same time?)

My visa is coming up for renewal in about a month and a half and I'm negotiating to start a new job which, as I understand it, would be under the specialist in humanities visa. Do I need to switch my visa type and then renew, or can I switch my visa type as I renew? My initial thought is that it might be better to do them separately to keep things simpler for immigration but I'm not totally clear on this.

I've also heard that getting permission to engage in activities outside of your visa is an option that might be faster to go with rather than changing visa type? (But if you're not doing instructor work anymore, should you even do that?)

Any insights would be appreciated.

by ddrcrono

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