Working in Japan as a 18 year old.

Hi, I'm thinking of working in Japan as soon I end school for 1 year in Tokyo, January and then coming back. I'm a full Japanese-Peruvian of third generation with JP nationality. My Japanese language skills are very poor and want to improve them, I haven't left the country, I'm introverted and lived with my parents all my life, and the thought of living in a foreign country scares me, that's why I want to challenge myself and leave my comfort zone and try to become more independent and don't rely on my parents too much.

I have many relatives there but I'm too embarrassed to ask them for help, my dad offers rent to Japanese workers that study in Peru and one of them said she can stay with me in something called "Share House" with other people and offer me help to move around and find a job.

I'm skipping 1 year of college / Is this a good idea..?

by Ok_Advantage_968

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