Haikyuu saying

Hi everyone! I have a question about a particular scene in the manga/anime Haikyuu. There is a particular scene where Hinata (one of the characters) says: 楽してこうぜ (Raku shi te kou ze).

When I try to translate it, it is something along the lines of "Let's have fun". However, in the official translations, they translated it as "Let's take it easy" or (in the Spanish one) "There is no need to rush".

I want to know if it is a saying in Japan, the context in which you can say it. Is it particularly used in stressful situations to try to make the weight lighter? Or it can also be used in a context of simply "Let's have fun playing something"?

Thank you!

by SwitchProfessional25

1 comment
  1. the “proper” way to say this would be something like 楽していこう. …ていく means to continue doing something from now into the future. 楽にする means to make yourself comfortable or at ease. now, it being いこう means it’s the volitional form, which usually means something like “let’s do xyz” or “im setting out to do xyz.” combining all of these together you get 楽にしていこう, which literally translates to “let’s make ourselves comfortable from now on,” or “let’s take it easy from now on,” something to that effect. sorry for the long explanation!

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