One-time karate Kyokushin training for European black belt?

Hi gang!

I want to preface this post that you are amazing in terms of being helpful in every possible way, and I have already stolen a lot of your ideas and suggestions in the last month. But this time, I come to you with a very specific question.

This October me, my fiancee, and our friends are coming to Japan – we will be staying in Osaka, Kyoto and Tokyo. And since I am mostly in charge of planning things, there is a point that was raised and with which I need your help.

See, my friend has a black belt in Karate Kyokushin, he spars and goes to tournaments pretty frequently as he loves it, and he asked me if there is a possibility for him to join a dojo or other school for a one-time training, you know. To be able to say that he actually trained kyokushin in Japan once at least!

Here's the thing. I only found two or three places that have such an option… but it is more like entry-level session for people to come and see if they are interested in joining. And here, well, we are talking about someone with experience and skill who would like to do this once. He is even open to travel with his gi, if that would be a requirement.

Soooo… what do you think. Do you have any suggestions where to look or how to search? Or maybe you know a place or, you know, "a guy"? I'm more than happy to receive any and all responses! Thanks in advance!

by scholarsheep

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