Sushi places to recommend in Tokyo?

I’m sure there are literally thousands of sushi places in the city, but looking for a place above the typical kaitenzushi chains, but of course below the wallet-burning levels of a high-end omakase type spot. Anyone have any personal favorites or recommendations, preferably in a neighborhood where there’s something to do after?

  1. The standing place down from Akihabara is my recommendation. There’s also another great standing one at a station possibly with “ushi” in the name. Sorry for the cryptic explanations, it has been a while since I was in Tokyo. Hopefully, someone here will have an idea of what I’m talking about.

    Edits: looks like the one Akiba is not there anymore.

    Edit edit: the other one is in Tateishi and it is called Sakae. It’s a standing sushi place right near exit 2. [Google search and map](

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