JET applicant – CIR (😊) – have some questions

Hey, guys. As if this week I'm officially a JET applicant. Might not seem much but from somone like me who comes from a low income family, just being a candidate is a very proud achievement

Im equal parts nervous, terrified of the interview and immensely excited at the prospect of working in Japan.

I'm trying to avoid just rushing the preparations for the last minute and do my best to start getting ready for the interview, but I have some questions for which I'd appreciate any and all input, especially from Latin American applicants, but from everyone is appreciated 👍🏻😊

1) was the interview conducted mostly in japanese or your native language or a mix? I've read that it's usually a mix, but I don't think I've seen any latin American candidates talk about it. Reason I'm asking is the Brazilian consulate is asking for N1 (N2 being possible otherwise), so I find it werid that they'd ask for you to have the highest possible proficiency level and yet to the interview in Portuguese

2) what's the level of the article they had u read? Same basis, really. My friend who's working with JET now said the article she read was like N3 level. But she's English and they didn't even ask her for JLPT at all from what I gather where as in Brazil they're asking for N1, so I find it again unlikely they'd ask u to have N1 only to have you read an N3 level article as a test.

For reference. This is the level I've been trying to read aloud and answer some possible questions

If it's this level I think I can still manage ok, but something more complex might be too hard for me rn

tl;dr So basically I'd really like to know is: what's the JLPT level they require in your country; how was the interview conducted (Japanese/your language); what's the level of the article they had you read?

Sorry if this sounds too annoying or anything. It's just it's been really hard studying mostly by myself and the only reference I have is a person from a completely different background, country-wise

Appreciate any and all replies. Good luck to everyone applying as well! 頑張ろう 😊

by MechaSeph

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