Kanji furigana/hiragana pronunciation

If I have a word (kanji) that is written with an extended sound (えい, おう, etc.) in its furigana/hiragana form, is it always pronounced with the extended sound, or would it be like katakana and have things like「ケイ」be pronounced like “Kay?” I could barely find any info about this specific question of mine.

Something like「綺麗」would be written out as 「きれい」and would keep the long「え」sound, right?

Also, if a word has two or more kanji (don’t know of an example) and the first kanji has something ending with an「え」or「お」sound, and the second kanji has a「い」or「う」sound, then would it be an extended sound or would it be like katakana and pronounce things like「セイ」 (“Say”), or would I just not encounter words like those?

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