Foreigner discrimination?

Hello I am new to Osaka I’ve moved here from the UAE, it’s my 2nd day here and I’m already noticing that people are treating me differently.
I looked for multiple salons to do a wash and hair dry, the first one told me she’s fully booked even though the salon was empty, when I asked her how can I book for another day she told me she was fully booked for 4 months ? The salon was very small, empty, and was not in the center of Osaka. I couldn’t help but feel like she was nicely refusing to serve me, I went to another salon closeby and the same thing happened she initially told me she was fully booked then after asking her when can I come later she proceeded to tell me she was booked till next month. I tried a third salon and as I entered I saw them exchanging looks and smirking, but then they told me they can serve me tmw which was okay by me. I just don’t know how I feel about going because the looks I got made me very uncomfortable. Also, When I was at the train station, it was very full and all the seats were taken. Ppl were sitting next to each other. I had lots of space next to me and no one sat there I just got looks. I don’t know if it’s about respect or racism. I’m already feeling overwhelmed, unwanted, and homesick. I really hope it gets easier I’m only staying here till august for my training program.

by Huge-Leading-6124

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