Neighbours and DV

If this needs to go in another place please let me know which place.

So I moved into a new place.

The neighbours above me are currently, having an argument (this I know happens), but when the floor started banging (and it wasn’t just the very heavy angry footsteps [yes I can tell what angry footsteps are]) and I think I heard crying…I didn’t know what to do.

I went upstairs just past the apartment to listen and it was hard to tell.

I also, am trying to be wary of my own safety as I’m a woman living alone, but completely ignoring something like this is not ok.
I plan to be more alert to this in the future

I’m wary of just calling the police and wanted to check if there were other resources for DV Japanese people or foreigners (I don’t know where they’re from and it’s a big building) as I’m also considering trying to find a leaflet I can put in the neighbours box in case there are suggestions).

by Va11ia

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