Imagine, you could ask a Japanese/English programmer to build you anything you want…


Imagine, you could ask a Japanese/English programmer to build you anything you want…

What would you want them to make for you, to learn better Kanji / Japanese or to make a better WaniKani / Future EtoEto / something else…

I’m all ears…

  1. Build a better version of WWWJDIC’s text glossing feature that operates as a browser extension / produces aligned interlinearized output

  2. There was someone asking a few days ago about how to practice grammar…

    coupled with me disliking drills of long sentences…

    I wonder if it wouldn’t be more fun with just short sentences or even fragments, and adding conjugation (verbs, copula, and i-adjectives – Japanese conjugation is enviously regular).









    but the above mixed with other fragments either in a study form (sayて forms only, or 学校 fragments, or 行 kanji fragments), or in a test form (selected conjugations only, selected kanji or whatever)

    of course it would need levels for vocabulary, grammar, and kanji, and the drills can be in all directions (JA ⇔ JA reading, JA ⇔ EN, JA reading ⇔ EN)

    Warning: not all verbs make sense in all conjugations (but I don’t mind drilling stuff that would sound awkward to a Japanese native lol).

  3. I’d like a barebones program without all the bells and whistles. Just straightforward: here is everything you need to know, here are all (or most) of the exceptions.

    If a program like this already exists I’d love to know. I don’t want flashcards, already have anki. I still have Kotoba chan from long ago, saved the apk file before they nuked the program from the store but it feels lacking, still. I use jisho as well. These 3 apps are basically what I use to learn, and the occasional search engine research. I’m about N4 ~ 3 level. But it feels like I’m missing something to really make the leap from ‘just kinda know Japanese’ to fluency.

    Anyway, going to really immerse myself in Japanese this year so whatever you think you can make I’d be willing to try it out.

    E: Also sidenote, I really dislike learning kanji based on mnemonics. Feels like it muddies the learning and I get a wrong association to the character from it. I want to learn like a Japanese person because I want to also be able to understand the more nuanced things like their humor and idioms. Not “haha it looks/sounds like this English thing!”

    E2: Also, for the people who are inboxing/chatting me for the Kotoba chan apk I’ll upload the file to mediafire for a day or two but then I’m taking it down. Not sure how legal it is to distribute it. Just send me a message or comment here and I’ll link you the mediafire link. It is single handedly one of the best applications for learning Japanese I’ve ever had.

  4. 1. A simple app where I can chat with Japanese people in English or Japanese that matches ppl together
    2. Way to watch good Japanese tv that doesn’t cost $100 a month

  5. 漢文《==》漢文訓讀體 翻譯程序

    余略通漢文惟不通日本語 欲與日本人互相交流

  6. Pleco but for kanji.

    The fact Pleco doesnt care about stroke order is honestly so 👌
    it would help me a ton when I encounter a kanji I dont know in the wild, and have no way to search it. (ie, manga, video game)

  7. Tool to do shadowing with or pitch accent. only dogen is doing stuff in that field and there needs to be more.

  8. Okay, this is wacky and not for *learning* Japanese. I just want to see it out in the world and don’t want to do the work myself. 😅

    I’m an ex-web developer, most specialized in Javascript. Imagine a language that compiles to Javascript, a la Typescript or Coffeescript, but which allows for Japanese-like syntax. Instead of just Englishly-ordered syntax like `distribute(a, b)`, allow Japanese-like `(aを,bに)くばる` . Maybe the definition would look like

    let くばる = (を、に) => //do stuff here

    And then, because Japanese, it wouldn’t matter in what order you pass in parameters since they’d be labeled by 助詞 (particles). `(bに,aを)くばる` would work the same as `(aを,bに)くばる` .

    Nerds of the world, make it so! *[waves magic wand]*

  9. An app that translates sentences word by word and adds furigana on top and romaji on the bottom.

  10. I want verb vocab flash cards with random generated conjugations to help me learn and quickly recognise how that verb is conjugated. I can conjugate them but sometimes because the sounds change, I find it difficult to recognise the word in conversation when it’s conjugated. So if, when learning the vocab, I’m also learning how to quickly recognise the conjugations, I think that would help.

    Eg: the first time I see the vocab it’s たべる、 the second time is 食べさせる、then next time is 食べました etc

  11. I’ve been perpetually looking for a combined verb conjugator and deconjugator. I can’t find ones with the following features, let alone combined:

    * I can just paste in *anything* (in particular just hiragana) and it’ll tell me *all* the possibilities of what verbs it might deconjugate to (e.g. given わって, it should tell me that it could be the て form of 沸く、湧く、割る、詫ぶ、等々)
    * All potential forms a word might be in (e.g. given かける, it should tell me that it could be the dictionary form of 掛ける or the potential form of 書く, among others)
    * It will tell me *all* of the potential conjugations of a verb, including obscure/compound conjugations, and give keigo variations too maybe?

  12. Simple but difficult to implement: a chatbot that asks you questions and you have to answer in Japanese.

  13. An Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning robot teacher. The robot would ask you general questions and you have to reply in Japanese (either vocally or typing in). The robot picks up on your grammatical/vocabulary mistakes and corrects them for you on the fly. If you get more answers correct, the robot asks increasingly difficult questions, forcing you to build more complex sentences and responses.

  14. Chatbot maybe. Something to see normal sentences. Got ways to study kanji and doing daily Duolingo. Also anime, but I am not gonna pretend like I am trying hard to learn from that. None of those really offer simple, conversational sentences. Something like “how was your day? That’s interesting, let me tell you about…I dunno, dogs” etc.

    Struggling to learn the language if there is no actual use for it.

  15. **Never Again SRS**

    Brain likes meaning, variety, and surprises, so how about a SRS that **never** repeats the same sentence? *Your mind was wondering for a second and you missed a sentence…? Well, live with that! JLPT Listening is not repeating for you, and neither this SRS.*

    – When it’s time to repeat 犬 it will be a different dog in the picture, or the word will be combined with a different adjective, or a different conjugation.
    – When it’s time to repeat はじめまして it will be a different person, a different company.
    – When it’s time to repeat 乗る it will be a different vehicle, a different station.
    – When it’s time to repeat -なくてもいいit will be a different situation, a different verb.
    – When it’s time to repeat the て form of a す verb, it will be another す verb.

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