Quitting job for mental / emotional health


I have worked for my current company for 4 years and I’ve kind of reached the end of my rope so to speak as far as what I can handle emotionally, environmentally, etc.

Long story short, I believe I’m eligible for industrial accident compensation from the health insurance company (労働災害?) for my mental health, I had to start taking new anxiety medication and enter therapy to keep up with pressure at work.

Recently I missed a funeral for a childhood friend because my company just kept avoiding my requests for time off, I missed my grandmothers funeral a year and a half ago for similar reasons, and it’s really getting to me.

Lots of management issues, can’t decide on direction and then blame me for sales not going up when they tell me that I can’t make any decisions on my own.

Also what I’ve been doing changes al the time under the same company, I was helping doing construction for like a year, 12+ hour days with no OT pay etc.

I don’t want to get back pay for this because I know I won’t be able to, but I just want to get out of here without starving to death or being forced to move home.

I still have like almost 3 years on my humanities visa, but the health insurance company said I could be eligible for 12-18 months of benefits depending on how the investigation goes.

Does anyone have any experience with something similar?

My concern is that there will be backlash and they will tell the insurance company I’m faking it etc but I have some screenshots etc that I think are enough to make my case but I don’t know. Plus it’s Japanese company talking to Japanese insurance company and I worry about my ability to defend myself given language and everything.

Thank you.

by SecurityJunior5041

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