What to do in Yokohama?

Hello, I (25, M) recently arrived in Japan for the first time, which is a dream come true for me. I am traveling with a friend.

We arrived two days ago, checked into a hotel near Shinko, and have mainly explored the area around the district so far.

Because my friend is here mainly for work (which starts tomorrow), I am free to do whatever I like. However, out of naivety and because university was consuming my time, I didn't really do any research on what to do.

We will stay here for about a week. I don't want to move hotels solo because we still want do spend time together after he is done working for the day. The week after that my friend has a week of vacation. For that we thought of heading near Mount Fuji for two or three days and then to Tokyo to explore Meiji Shrine, Shibuya, and Shinjuku, etc. before we fly back home after the second week.

I'm also a bit anxious (I'm a bit introverted) about exploring solo and am a bit worried it'll put me under pressure and make it less fun.

Can you give me any recommendations on good places to visit or must-sees in Yokohama and some advice on dealing with the anxiety?

by Creepieable

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