Hotels for 2 adults and 2 kids

Last time I went to Japan finding rooms was quite a hassle as most are max 3 people. Usually 2. We ended up at an Airbnb in Kyoto and Tokyo station hotel. Seems Tokyo station hotel changes and now you have to be a member or something. Didn’t look too much into since all rooms are max 2 people, but their policies say if a kid shares a bed they don’t count? Anyone know if in general I should be looking for 2 twin/full/(queen, I know doesn’t exists) rooms and just not mention kids as they occupy the bed? I’d rather not but seems the only way besides booking 2 rooms which is also silly. Kids are under 10.

All that said, can anyone recommend some place in Tokyo that are family friendly? Planning 2 weeks in early November. Wanted to spend a week in Tokyo and then another week somewhere off the beaten path (still working on where). A ryoukon would be great in the Tokyo area.


by Burrito2525

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