Has anyone received a call from Japan Immigration Bureau during COE processing?

I have applied for student visa COE for this October language school intake and been told to expect a call from Japan Immigration Bureau while my COE application is being processed. Apparently they will call to ask a few questions to confirm the information in my application and if i messed up my answer, my COE won't be approved. So my question is how does the immigration decide who to call? Is it random? And what type of questions do they ask? What if i miss the call? I'm quite anxious with phone calls in general and just worried about messing up.

by Myoenat

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Has anyone received a call from Japan Immigration Bureau during COE processing?**

    I have applied for student visa COE for this October language school intake and been told to expect a call from Japan Immigration Bureau while my COE application is being processed. Apparently they will call to ask a few questions to confirm the information in my application and if i messed up my answer, my COE won’t be approved. So my question is how does the immigration decide who to call? Is it random? And what type of questions do they ask? What if i miss the call? I’m quite anxious with phone calls in general and just worried about messing up.

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  2. I have never known anyone who has been contacted by immigration during the COE process outside of a request for more documentation. And those requests usually go to the sponsor, not the person whose name is on the application.

    In fact the situation is usually the opposite: Immigration won’t contact you even if you want them to. The agency is notoriously uncommunicative when it comes to keeping applicants informed of the progress.

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