interested in university education in japan

hello everyone, i'm a 15 year old guy and i live in Azerbaijan and i'm quite interested about nuances regarding education in Japan

i have around a bit more than 2 years left until i finish school and as the education system in here is 11 years. i study in a private international IB school fully in English and i'm C1 and i'm fully and without a doubt decided that i'm going to pursue computer science/software engineering. i've been programming since i was 9 years old so it makes sense. if i decide to go to japan, i'm probably gonna get the remaining year in a language school or something, is it realistic to learn japanese at level of understanding lectures in 3 years?

i haven't decided on anything and i am just curious and want to hear some people's takes regarding this. is it wise to go study there in such circumstances? i certainly do not want to study in my home country anyways… my family is good financially but i don't want to put a lot of strain on their income by going somewhere expensive and after researching japanese unis and language schools i found out that they're quite cheap

i just want to see if this is realistic and whether i should study bachelors or masters or just go there after i get my degree? what about the job opportunities compared to other countries and living costs? thanks everyone in advance!

by RefractedNoa

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