What are your favorite things to do in Tohoku? (Sendai to Ichinoseki, really looking for relaxing towns to bike in)

Hi. I have five days to shoot up north and see a few things. I'm looking at Lonely Planet as usual, and this is what I've got:

  • Go to Ichinoseki first, then see Hiraizumi
  • Sanriku Fukko National Park
  • Matsushima, Ishinomaki, other stuff near the east coast
  • ~2 days in Sendai

But this is what I really want: a peaceful place for relaxing bike rides. Like, rent a mamachari and just go cruising around the country side. LP recommended Tono for that but it's too far north given my time constraint.

Barring that, please share any relaxing and scenic places roughly between Sendai and Ichinoseki. Arigatou!

by rotterdamn8

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