Sending GBP to Sony using Wise

Hi, I'm planning to send around 150k GBP from my uk account to my Japanese Sony GBP account to exchange to yen for a real estate purchase. The general concensus seems to be that sending to Sony through Wise in the original currency then converting to yen once it's with with Sony is the best deal – but it seems as though Wise has difficulty with intermediary banks. Is this a GBP-limited issue?

Alternatively, if I were to just go with converting GBP into JPY and then sending to my local Japanese bank a/c, how much of a loss are we talking compared to going through all the steps with Sony?

Thanks very much in advance for your thoughts. I've trawled the subreddit and the wiki carefully, but haven't yet found anything that quite matches the situation. If there's a pre-existing thread I've missed, please do point me at it!

by carserus

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