These Mt. Fuji worshipper cult people are ridiculous.

Im sitting in front of the station minding my own business two guys come to asking if I know the area. I say yeah a little. Say their friend made plans and cancelled “in the area” and ask for ramen recommendations so I give some. Then switch to asking if I want to pray to Mt. Fuji, care about the “inevitable invasion of Japan by China” and all this other stuff.

I was not interested and was probably visibly uncomfortable yet they keep trying, give me a newspaper about Abe and all this other weird stuff that I just tossed away within seconds.

Listen believe what you want but this is absurd right? It isnt my first time either, this is at least 5 times now these weirdos try to recruit to a cult and despite me politely saying I am not interested kept going and going.

Anyone else met these guys before?

  1. In my area it’s gotten so bad that if any stranger speaks to me in the street/station vicinity I immediately ask them ‘宗教について話したいですか?’(Do you want to talk about religion?) I have had no problems since because they have been at least honest when asked directly. It is annoying and if you look foreign you ARE a target. Those people are pitiful and have probably very little happiness to be sucked into that cult. It’s so sad.

    Edit: The part I love is how I am never approached when with my partner or a group of friends who are obviously Japanese.

  2. They’re consistently weird. My fave was a duo that had absolutely no coordination. One was trying his absolute best to just get me into casual conversation and bury the lede (questions about work, life, hobbies, the area, etc) while the other just dove straight into the cult invitation with no foreplay what so ever (“want to join us in prayer? It’s at our friends house. We’ll drive you there!” Lol hard pass).

    As a fun bonus they approached me in a burger place and then I watched them pay their whole bill (two sets of fries) with only a stack of coupons.

  3. Tbf they are probably right about China inevitably invading Japan.

    China is just over there chomping at the bits to get more land, water, and space for their billions of people. Also we get to replace to JP on their own land they’ve had for 6000+ years? Sweet bonus

  4. I had a pair of them knock on the door. I looked through the peephole and saw a middle aged woman and who I thought was a special needs teenager. Thinking they might have been some kind of fund raising or the like I opened the door. Realised that the second lady was in fact just another adult and then saw the Fuji pamphlet.

    I tried to get rid of them with shitty Japanese and then made some excuse and went to close the door but the middle aged one grabbed the door. Eventually they went….and then came back the next week shouting my name (which I had stupidly told them when I had first opened the door). Didn’t answer that time.

  5. Pray with them but pray out loud to Fuji asking for the weird people at the station to go away.

  6. They used to harass me and my coworkers when I worked in Kanazawa. My employer had apartments for us and so we all lived in the same building which was small size. Anyway they’d knock and knock and knock and not go away, come late at night, stop me on the sidewalk outside my building etc. We went to the police and they said the only thing we could do is put up a sign on our doors that said we’ll call the police if you come back and it actually scared them off

  7. I see them passively handing out pamphlets outside the station but never has one actively solicited my attention

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