Man on man s*xual assult vs. norms in Japan

Tonight in a modern, upscale izakaya my girlfriend and I made some friends with Tokyo locals. The place was a standing bar, only about 15 people standing in a circle around the kitchen.

We had drinks and staring chatting with the hell of a local who knew English quite well, and locals started buying us drinks. The guys invited me over to their side and bought my girlfriend and I drinks.

An older man, maybe 50-60 years old, was quite drunk and asked me the same questions quite a few times. He eventually started touching me genitals, with what motive couldn't tell. He sort of tapped them a few times, and once his friend who spoke great English, maybe 40 years old said "bro he touched your dick" and laughed. He tried to do it again, and I slapped his hand away. I went to the toilet, and when I came back he kept his hands in his pockets the remainder of the night.

Was I… s3xually assaulted? Or was this the type of banter that boys/men who know each other in the west do for fun? Teasing each other and what not.
For context I am 28, very fit, and was quite physically dominate.

by thematematt

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