Missed Opportunity: Shota and Ren holding the tag titles at the start of 2024

So I was thinking about this after looking at a post regarding the young lion class. And one thought came to my mind. The wasted potential of having Shota and Ren hold the tag titles at least for the first 4 months of the year.

With shota injured and Ren pretty much just being H.O.T now. Neither guy from WTL has really been elevated. Sure both challenged for the World Title but neither won it and only one of them feels like they showed out in that match.

I think they were better off being a team at least for the start of 2024. Having Bishamon win WTL again was just a lazy decision and they could have really pushed these two in the tag division and built more of a relationship after winning tag league and then winning the gold at Wk.

Then they can feud with a couple teams. And then after some dissension between the two they lose the tag titles and do the Ren heel turn.

Not only would it have benefitted them in the first 4 months. But they would have held gold and be the main focus of the tag division. There are a ton of stories they could have told with Bishamon,TMDK,G.O.D,UE.

by DeathTriangle720

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