Random Monday Night in Osaka

Unbelievable amount of shoppers on a random Monday night in Osaka. Retail must be running hot in Japan.

by dieleicaq

  1. It says something about me that the first thing I notice is the big-ass advertisement for cheese. I mean, it’s good enough cheese, but still comes as a surprise.

  2. I used to walk through the shotengai everyday on my way home but the amount of tourists and people that don’t know to walk on the left just got super frustrating over time. I had to switch to just walking down Midosuji but its can be equally bad sometimes. It is probably better to do Yotsubashi now.

  3. Seems like Namba alright lol. If you got at certain times it’s almost empty. I usually avoid it if I can though.

    Like Id take Tennoji or Umeda over it most days.

    Even moving through that area just takes forever. I’ll get off at Shinsaibashi to go somewhere north of there, or even transfer at Namba station, but I avoid Dotonbori. For some reason tourists just really like it, even though theres nothing too special there.

  4. Geez, that’s on a MONDAY? The situation with tourist overcrowding got much worse since I left

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