Internet initial installation time

Hi all, I will be moving to a house in a smaller town and need internet for work. I can use either NTT (any provider) or Nuro. I’ve checked the Nuro website and talked to an agent that offers various NTT options. Nuro says it can take 1-3 months and agent mentioned 2 weeks to a few months for NTT.

Does anyone has experience with the installation times for any providers? Nuro says installation is possible in my zip code, and it would make my work more pleasant, but not sure if I can survive 3 months on my mobile tethering with 20GB data. Not sure what is the maximum wait for NTT.

I tried asking the management company for previous tenant’s connection or any work done on the house, but they did not know.

Alternatively, is there a good option for house mobile internet with large data allowance with no contract that I can use temporarily?

  1. If there’s no fiber line already connected to the house then it could take time. I don’t recall exactly but I think we waited one or two weeks for ours back when we ordered it. When our company office ordered a fiber line it took a little longer. We used wireless Internet from AU while we waited but I don’t know how much it cost.

  2. I live in Bizen, Okayama, and it took about 8 weeks for Sakura to install a fiber line in my house. Although the installation was done by NTT contracted through them

  3. For me, Nuro took a whooping 6 months. The wait was so painful I had Au Hikari installed as a temporary solution. Nuro was well worth the wait though, I can’t image going back to any other providers.

  4. I’m going on 5 months wait for NTT Docomo Hikari. 2 failed construction visits. Now I’m waiting until Oct 1 for a “survey” and then who knows how much longer for the 3rd construction date if they don’t tell me they can’t do it …

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