Advice needed: Housing options for exchange student at Rikkyo University (Toshima/Shinjuku)

Hey everyone👋🏼

I'm a exchange student who will be studying at Rikkyo University for the Spring Semester 2025, primarily at the Ikebukuro campus. I'm already looking into accommodation options and could use some advice. 🙂

I've come across two main options:

  1. University dorm near campus:
    Pros: Close to university
    Cons: The dorms don't look very appealing, and worst of all, there's a curfew.

  2. Renting a "Nasic" apartment:
    I could either stay near the university (Toshim/Ikebukuro) or in Shinjuku.
    Shinjuku sounds more exciting, especially for young students who enjoy nightlife. However, it's further from the university.

I've read that distances in Tokyo are incredibly important, but I'm not familiar with the city. What would you recommend?

For those who know Tokyo well: Would the commute from Shinjuku to Rikkyo University (Ikebukuro campus) be manageable for daily classes? Or would you suggest staying closer to the university?

I'd really appreciate any insights or recommendations you can offer!🫶🏼🫶🏼

by Jasons-sanity

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