Does Japan have a word for “age appropriate”?

What are some words used to express to an adult or child, that something isn’t appropriate for their age? For example a kid is watching something they shouldn’t on YouTube. I’m curious on what can be used as I can’t find anything on the web.

by missymoocakes

  1. それは子供向きじゃないビデオです。

    Not geared toward children.

  2. The word “Rating” is used as a direct cognate.

    対象顧客層= “Target Audience”    

    全年齢対象 = “Intended For All Ages”  

    13歳以上対象 = “Intended For Viewers Age 13+”  

    17歳以上のみ対象 = “Intended for Viewers Age 17+”  

    Interesting to see that “restriction” is not conveyed in Japanese translation of the concept – rather, “intention.” 

    Japanese language Wikipedia pages (not machine translations) for pages relevant to the subject may be available, if you’re looking for more vocabulary to have a discussion on the subject.  
    I referred to these two:コンピュータゲームのレイティングシステム

  3. As someone else mentioned, 向き is the best fit here. この動画は子供向きじゃない

    子供向き – appropriate for children

    大人向き – appropriate for adults

    向け has the slightly different meaning of ‘intended for’, introducing a particular intention that 向き lacks.

  4. I’d consider ふさわしい for this kind of meaning of “appropriate”

  5. I don’t have the answer, but most of the responses so far are focusing on situations where the thing in question is not suitable for any children, adults only. But what if you want to refer to something that’s suitable for say 10+ years old but not suitable for under 10s?

    Or if you are talking about age-approprate household chores for kids?

  6. also



    conversely when someone is doing something that is very adult for their circumstances words like 渋い、or phrases like 子供に適当

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