What is the production like for press conferences?

I am so curious about this. I did theatre as a kid and in middle school – not sure if I ever crossed the rubicon into "theatre kid" as I stopped before high school – but I do have experience with that specific vibe of being backstage for a production and going over lines with people and everything. I wonder if that's what it's like for the G1/BOSJ pressers, if it's like a cutscene where everyone is shuffled off into different spots on the wall going over their directions before they go out.

by Both-Activity9668

  1. My impression is that things are pretty loose. They don’t keep kayfabe backstage and for the most part promos aren’t scripted in the way a play/WWE is.

    So I think if anything they might just do a run though of where people will be sitting, the set up for the photo op, and any physicality that’s going to be involved.

  2. Pretty sure NJPW is old school in that unless a specific angle is taking place, they’re just given a general direction and then cut loose to say whatever they want. For press conferences I’m sure a lot of them probably plan out what they’re going to say beforehand, especially since some guys can sound rehearsed.

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