Suggestions for part-time work for a semester abroad in Nagoya, Japan?

I'm going to do a semester abroad in Nagoya this Winter.

Unfortunately, I can't do my current job remotely (engineer in public services for techniqual building equipment) and the hourly wages in Japan are pretty low (6-7€ / hour), for someone like me who can barely speak any Japanese.

Although my University in Germany is offering Jobs that can be done remotely, because of insurance reasons, I can't do them staying in another country.

The job also needs to be rather flexible, since my attendance in class is mendatory.

Therefore I would like to get a job that fulfills one of the following requirements:

  1. Having a somewhat high hourly wage, so I can also enjoy my stay without working 24/7
  2. A job where I can learn a lot of Japanese, either because dependend on it or because the job is so easy, I could easily immerse myself in the language via podcasts during worktime

If I could get a job where the latter requirement is fulfilled, the wage can obviously be low, since I gain the opportunity to better my language ability while earning some money.

I hope you can give me some inspiration about that topic and also maybe any first hand experiences. Either way, I already wann thank you for your time reading this 🙂

by OkGift1657

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