Hello world! I’m looking for langague learning parterns (why is it so hard)

So, I've been mapping a lot of apps, and unfortunately couldn't keep up conversations for long, either because people are not exactly interested, or maybe because I may have come off as rude ou distant when interacting. It's easier for me to translate and to read rather than speaking, and that's also a pattern when people start studying by traditional learning books.

Maybe at this moment and level it'd more interesting to study with people who are also learning, rather than natives.

I'm currently at N3 (but not too advanced at all?) and am a native Portuguese speaker. I'm okay with any learning method and suggestions are always appreciated. Also okay with basic level learners as study parterns, taking some steps back might actually be interesting.

Well I guess that's it. If someone else might be interested on study group sessions, just hit me up 🙂

by Labyrynthyunx666

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