When did you realize that you’re probably not going to improve your Japanese during your stay here?

I am an ALT who's supposed to stay in Japan for a year and I've already been 3 months here. My Japanese level is ok, meaning I can have basic conversations or do something at the city hall if they speak slowly to me, but when I hear Japanese people, like for example the teachers speaking to each other I am lost.

I have been learning Japanese for 1,5 years and my level is probably near N4. My original plan was to try to at least reach N3 during my stay here in Japan or at least get to a point where I will be able to hold a conversation in Japanese without having to resort to English. At this point, I have come to terms with the fact that I will probably not have any significant improvement while I am here simply because I don't have enough time.

This demotivates me from learning the language anymore since I am thinking to myself that I can just get by fine during the rest of my time here and I might just stay stuck at beginner-intermediate level.

Have you had a similar experience? If so I would like to know that point where you just realized/accepted the fact that you're probably not going to master Japanese and that's ok. Thank you all.

by Sensitive-Ticket-781

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