How Japan’s newest yen note came from the Nepali mountains

How Japan’s newest yen note came from the Nepali mountains

by teamworldunity

  1. >_And this process has offered a potential new source of income to communities in one of the world’s poorest countries, by providing cash for one of its richest._

    but hold up…

    >_It used to be grown domestically in Japan, but production has been slowly dwindling for years, said Matsubara. It’s hard work tied to the countryside, and people are increasingly moving from rural areas to big cities like Tokyo in search of jobs – leaving shrinking villages and dying industries._

    If the people who cultivated the shrub locally were compensated enough for their hard work, there’s a chance they wouldn’t have been compelled to leave for the cities.

    It’s about cost. It’s always about cost.

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