More American tourists head to Japan as battered yen beckons

More American tourists head to Japan as battered yen beckons

by Hazzat

  1. The only silver lining I see is better transit from Narita Airport. Trains, buses, or automobiles the transit experience sucks for decades.

  2. All good, but can we just tell them to shut the fuck up when out in public, regards the world

  3. As an Aussie currently visiting Japan, my Lord, they are so loud, annoying, and disrespectful!!!

    Speaking of disrespect today, massive shame on the Spanish family that allowed their child to sit and brake a bamboo railing at Nijo Castle (Kyoto) that was in a clearly marked 🚷 area.

    EDIT: And yes, since a lot of folks have been replying to this comment about Aussies, I know guys, I know….

  4. I’m happy for everyone who gets to experience how wonderful Japan is who otherwise couldn’t have afforded it and also all the Japanese businesses (especially the small ones) who get to stay open and hopefully turn a profit.

  5. Endure till the yen rises…

    Which will be when Elder Scrolls 6 is released…

  6. And still, 90% of foreign tourists are not American.
    Actually funny that the article doesn’t mention that Koreans make up the largest inbound tourist group and not Chinese.

  7. Very happy with my upcoming trip to Kobe, Shikoku and Kyushu, I’ll miss the uncouth hordes.

  8. Off topic but why does the bus in the picture look like it’s from 1991 or something?

  9. Look forward to an increase of kart drivers and people cluttering Shibuya crossing.

  10. I think when most people see a foreigner they jump to assuming they’re American, but when I was last in Tokyo there were somehow more Dutch people in my hotel than Americans

  11. I went a few years back and it felt great to have your money basically be worth 150% of it’s value. If you were ever planning a trip, now is the time. (suggestion: visit the Kansai region (Kyoto/Osaka) instead of the super busy Tokyo.

  12. I really don’t think the weak yen is driving this influx, at least not from America. I don’t know anyone who is like “Oh the currency is tanking, now I can afford to go!” Because the biggest single expense from America is the plane ticket.

    What’s really driving this influx is the fact that we couldn’t go to Japan for several years because of travel restrictions. Everyone who had that money earmarked for Japan is going now.

  13. I currently planning a trip for Japan, though the yen is weaker the prices of hotel, transport do look quite expensive. I still dont understand how will this benefit me as a tourist

  14. If I were to travel to Asia, I would recommend China or Southeast Asian countries.

    China in particular is seriously the best place in the world to experience modern cities and magnificent nature. It’s a bit of a hassle to go through the formalities…

    For most people, once you get to Tokyo and the Kansai region, there is almost nothing left to see. 

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