Opinions on Readymade houses listed on Sumo

I am currently looking to buy or build a house. I have been to multiple house makers so far such as Ichijou, Sekisui Heim, Sekisui House, Panasonic etc. Though I do like their various selling points and all of them have their own pros and cons.
I have been looking at Sumo too for any New Readymade houses. I could see several houses which are in my desired location and within my budget too.
However, the companies who made these are houses aren't very popular in terms of quality in terms of build strength, insulation, air tightness. Most of these houses are made by TOHO house, Tama Homes, fp, etc.
I am not very keen on building a house as per my floor design or layout, I am OK with a readymade houses which meets my basic requirements.
Do these new readymade houses advertised on Sumo any good?

by WriterFragrant6716

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