University forces us to return to our country after exchange program concludes

I am currently taking part in an exchange program at a Japanese university. Because I already have enough credits, I wil be able to graduate from my home university once the exchange program is over.

It's possible to apply for the graduation certificate via email, so there is no need to apply for it in-person. Because I want to stay and live in Japan permanently, there is no reason for me to return to my country. Also, my part-time job contract is until April 2025, and they can sponsor a work visa for me.

Unfortunately, there has been some trouble with my exchange university. They say that all exchange students are obliged to return to their countries once the exchange program finishes. It was not written in the "conditions for participation" that we signed when we were accepted to the exchange program. They only mentioned it in the online orientation that took place right before the exchange program started.

When I told my Japanese university's exchange office that I plan on staying and working in Japan, they objected strongly. Here's what they wrote me:

Dear [student's name],

Thank you for your response.
We appreciate that you shared your preferences with us.

Based on your reply, it seems that there might be some misunderstandings
regarding our previous message so let us provide some clarifications.
The online orientation serves as a platform for providing necessary
information about your university life.
In the presentation provided during the orientation, we have
instructions regarding your return to your home country, which exchange
students are obliged to follow.

Additionally, as a prerequisite for participating in the exchange
program, students are required to comply with the instructions provided
by the host university.
As mentioned in our earlier email, it is not possible to remain in Japan
after completing the exchange program, and we kindly request your
understanding in this matter.
Please refer to the instructions provided during the orientation again
regarding the following post-exchange arrangements:

After your exchange period finish, please go home immediately.
Before you leave Japan, please make sure to take all necessary
procedures such as moving out of your dormitory or apartment.
Especially, please take moving out procedures at the city hall by 2
weeks before your departure.
You cannot change your visa status during or after your exchange

We have provided these instructions, and it is essential that you
strictly adhere to these guidelines.

We are delighted to hear that you have been enjoying your fulfilling
exchange student life at [university's name].
Furthermore, we are confident that you will comply with the
aforementioned guidelines and successfully conclude your stay in Japan
with the Final Presentation.

Thank you once again for your dedication and cooperation for your
exchange program.

Kind regards,
[University' International Office]

As you can see, they don't appreciate my idea to stay. They even claim that we exchange students "cannot change [our] visa status during or after [our] exchange period", which is straight up not true:

Even before the exchange program, they provided me with inaccurate information. At the time of application to the exchange program, I have already been in Japan with a residence permit under a different visa.
Because they only provided information about applying for a visa at Japanese embassies abroad with a CEFR, I asked them about information concerning the procedure for changing my residence status to "student" from within Japan.
To that, they also replied that it was not possible, and that I would have to leave Japan and re-enter with the visa from a Japanese embassy abroad.
Obviously, that information was not correct and I was able to apply for a change of residence status with the exchange university's letter that confirmed my acceptance to their exchange program, without the need of a CEFR.

So, seeing how they do not seem to be very accurate or informed about these matters, I assume that I would, in fact, be able to "change [my] visa status during or after [my] exchange period".
But despite my best efforts to convince them, they refuse to accept my arguments and demand that I return back to my country right after the exchange program finishes.

Therefore, I would appreciate any (especially jurisdical) advice on how to handle the situation.

by Traditional-Fix7963

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