Racist comment at workplace

My manager who also happens to be the HR manager I suppose is the most racist person Ive met in my life. A woman in her 50s (a very bitter woman) whose ass is always kissed by every employee made a remark – a strong one. 外人きもいねー?in my presence.

This happened 3 days ago, and Ive literally had an existential crisis figuring out how to move past this. I cant even look at her in the eyes, and even though we sit across each other we can see each other very well and i completely avoided any interaction possible cause it’s actually hurtful.

I know for a fact that the comment at the time was not directed at me. They were criticizing a product package they wanted to sell, and i suppose they thought it was hella weird that there’s a girl on the package. I took a look at this and honestly I think she was absolutely stunning.

To add, I am taking this personally cause I have worked here for one year, and I am in the list of the very few gaijin she must have associated in her life ever. And I present myself extremely well for work, we have a casual dress code, and can say for a fact that I wouldnt fall in the category of people with bad hygiene in the workplace.

Meanwhile the ojisan next to me stinks up the whole vicinity of mold when he opens his bento box (which cannot be safe to eat or inhale, and ruins my appetite) and generally smells and im pretty sure they moved him next to me cause they mustve thought ah well she probably wouldnt mind. He is such a nice uncle so I wouldn’t make a complaint. He also has no sense of personal space, and yells into the phone really loudly. I suppose it all comes with old age.

To wrap it up, I have simply never seen a person as racist and self supremist as this lady, and some people we pass by on our day to day life. I was able to go 5 years without this but damn. This is where i spend 8 hours of my day and I feel super uncomfortable.

Also please add any advice you would have for me.

by Any_Setting_8935

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