‘Hydrate properly’: Japan junior high school hit with notice over water ban in class – The Mainichi

What the….

by AmbiguosArguer

  1. More on this subject from other reputable sources:

    – Business Insider (B-): [American millennial opted for Canadian college and now lives debt-free](https://www.businessinsider.com/college-overseas-abroad-canada-mcgill-university-no-debt-2024-7)
    – Age (B): [Melbourne teacher falls to death from school roof](https://www.theage.com.au/national/victoria/catholic-school-community-mourns-after-melbourne-teacher-falls-to-death-from-school-roof-20240701-p5jq8u.html)
    – Guardian (C+): [After 15 years away I moved back to the UK fearing the worst. What I found startled me](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/jul/02/years-away-family-uk-people-optimistic)
    – News.com.au (B): [Kids told to repeat ‘always Aboriginal land’](https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/parenting/school-life/students-told-to-put-hands-on-the-ground-repeat-always-will-be-aboriginal-land-before-assembly/news-story/f9cc92278da3f403b4a533bcb791490d)

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  2. I’ve never seen a school that allowed drinking water in the middle of class. Also never had a school that didn’t turn on air conditioners in the last few years.

    Saitama sounds like a strange place.

  3. In my sons school, the kids keep their water bottles at the back of the class and can only access them during the break between classes. The school will also refil water bottles with mugi cha or water after lunch.

    Also, as it is above 30C, the kids are not allowed outside to play. But they are also not allowed to use parasol or portable fans when walking to and from school.

  4. “Fuck those kids. If they all pass out and die from. Heat exhaustion, that means I don’t have to deal with them!” – this school’s staff probably

  5. > “students were losing control, for example, reaching for their water bottles even when a teacher was talking.”

    These kids are out of fucking control. I say bind their hands except when they need to write something. We’ll hire extra staff to help with the binding and unbinding process.

  6. No problem with that. AC is on. They even made a point of letting them drink whenever while windows were open during covid.
    Sounds like middle ground.

  7. If they did that to my child, I would sue that BoE, and yes, I know it’s not the custom, but heat strokes can kill people. No apology would ever help if a kid died.

  8. Even in the purported backward crap hole that my homeland is we can drink water in class. The very few times a teacher prohibited this, the principal got angry cause a potential complaint to the ministry would have meant a fine…but again, this was an “underdeveloped” place, so surely, we were acting like animals by drinking water…

  9. I was at my daughter’s teacher parent meeting this week. I specifically asked the teacher to help us and remind the kids to drink because they don’t drink enough and come home dehydrated with headaches, get constipated etc. teacher said she’d remind them. I don’t see why they can’t take a 45 sec break during class where everyone takes a large gulp from their bottle and lit it away again. Can’t be that disruptive now can it? Yet to hear from daughter if any of that has happened.

    Very important now that hot season seems smashingly here.

  10. ITT – people who haven’t stepped in a classroom for twenty years. Y’all have no idea the complicated shit teachers have to put up with every damn day.

  11. “students were losing control, for example, reaching for their water bottles even when a teacher was talking.”
    No! Say it ain’t so… How dare they! They should wait until the end of the class when the teacher finally stops talking.

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