If I can understand this video, can I trust that I can do the N3 listening in 3 days?


I can understand like 99% of what's going on. Am I cooked?

by Dev_Stewart

  1. Yeah if you can follow this video and others like it no problem then yeah the N3 should be a joke. (Also try listening to one such video which you haven’t seen yet without looking at the visuals, this will give you a better estimate at where you are at).

    Even if it was not enough, it’s not like you can do anything about it in 3 days to improve the situation lol.

  2. They have these N1 N2 practice listening things on YouTube, you should just listen to those too and practice note taking ability while you listen. As I think a lot of questions hit you with multiple options you need to keep track of. That ability to take notes while listening will help. If you can understand that video without looking then N3 will be a joke. Watch some live streams too.

  3. But more pertinent to the test (or at least your preparation for it), do you notice all of the mistakes? He’s not native or even native-level, so whether you understand him or not, you’re at the very least not being exposed to correct natural Japanese. Great effort from him to actually practice his speaking in full videos unlike many other foreign YouTubers learning Japanese, but still, you would have been better off watching native content or actual JLPT listening practice if you were cramming listening practice for the test.

    Watching around first minute, here are three things I noticed:

    * It’s weird to compare a country with a language, as in 日本と英語のYouTube

    * 無駄な is not pronounced む**た**な.

    * 〜なくようになった should be 〜ないようになった. 〜なくようになる is not a thing in proper standard Japanese.

  4. The video is straight forward and easy to understand. But the listening section in the test has two people speaking, saying so many stuff, some of them unimportant stuff to cramp your memory and you need to focus on what is being asked. They might argue about stuff and come to a conclusion. Sometimes a person there decides on what to do, but after discussion, will change their mind. So I suggest just look for N3 listening practice exams on YouTube if you haven’t yet.
    Listening section also has response questions, basically when someone says something, what should you say back.
    Also, when given a situation, what do you say.

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