How to balance learning Japanese with life?

Little bit of context first: I am a year 12 student at 6th form and I work a part time job. The part time job can take from 8 hours to roughly 12 hours a week which is mainly on a weekend. I am in sixth form for 3 whole days and 1 half day and have to spend about 1 – 2 hours after school studying for A level mocks and what not. I just find it hard to fit in Japanese and still have some free time to do things that aren’t study related. Any advice on how to strike a good balance or just ways to motivate through it all and forget about free time would be great.


  1. Do you have any transition periods during your day? Commuting to work/school? Waiting for class to start?

    I work a full-time job and primarily do my Japanese studying on the way to and from work on the bus. Tends to translate to about ~2 hours per day of study.

  2. Flash cards during transit are an easy way to squeeze some value from a commute

    Also don’t just memorize the cards, think up example sentences for them in your head

    Or reading, whether a book or digital on a phone

    For that matter, in general, flipping your inner dialogue to Japanese is a good way to stay engaged. Keep a notebook handy to write down anything you don’t know how to say properly in your head

  3. You say you walk to school, do you think you could do listening while you walk? My textbook had audio files included.

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