Possibility of moving later in life?

Apologies if this question is vague, inappropriate, or has just been asked a hundred times before, but thinking this over and over is beginning to affect my mental health a little so thought I'd consult the experts.

I'm 28 years old in the UK, with an IT degree and no career to speak of, currently working an entry level IT support job. I have no delusions about moving in the next couple of years, that's completely impossible. However, were I to build upon my programming skills and develop some form of career in software, does the possibility exist that I could move 8 – 10 years down the line with the sufficient skills and level of seniority?

I've done some reading on this sub and see two opposing sentiments, one along the lines of "Japan isn't going anywhere", while others suggest everything is highly age dependent and if you don't have everything sorted before you're 30 it's better not to try.

Did anyone on here build a career later in life and move a little (or a lot) older, or know of anyone who did? I lost my early 20s to illness so now I'm catching up on a lot of things, and really hoping my dream is still alive, albeit contingent on a lot of hard work and luck.

by ninemystic

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