Cheated by Uber eats again

Watch out for Masahide. He/App says delivered. Not delivered. Seems Uber eats scammers are in every country now. Refund in 7-10 days. Wish I could pay in 7-10 days after ordering.
Sure. So what about dinner? Doesn’t help me get fed for the day. Can’t trust Uber eats now.
1st world problem rant over. Carry on.

by TokyoPav

  1. Tokyo has so many cheap restaurants within a five or ten minute walk from all but the most heavily residential of areas, never mind kombini food. I’ve never seen a city less in need of delivery services.

  2. Same, out of 5 orders, one never delivered (even though it said it got delivered) and one had the wrong order in the bag.

  3. Don’t they have to take a picture of the food by your door? At least in the app you can check the photo.

  4. It happens now and again (quite rarely, maybe 1 out of 50-100 orders), and you will always get the refund if you report it. But if you are struggling financially due to a single order not being delivered, I would reconsider the choice of ordering off Uber and instead look for a cheaper option.

    If you’re just ranting for the sake of it then, well ok.

  5. Lmao if you live in Tokyo, why on earth would you ever need to use Uber Eats frequently??

  6. 1. I have never had a driver try to do a scam delivery. But I’m not doubting the experience of people who have – modern e-gig work practically incentivizes looking for new ways to scam customers. My trick is I never pay by credit. The driver doesn’t get their money until I have my order in my hands. Restaurants that insist on pay-by-credit don’t get my business. If UE ever took away the cash payment option, I would uninstall it from my phone.

    2. People trying to dunk on OP for using Uber Eats at all are just sad. Are you so desperate to feel superior to someone that you need to play these pathetic games? There are good reasons a person might need to use a delivery app, and any reason that isn’t a good reason is none of your business. Even if a person using the app is being lazy, how would that justify drivers committing actual fraud? Let’s use our brains, shall we?

  7. I used it once when I was too sick to go outside. Food was like twice as expensive as normal, plus a delivery fee, and the audacity to request a tip on top of that. Switched to Demaekan after than and am much happier for the few times I’ve needed food delivery.

    As far as I’m concerned, Uber Eats is a rip even when it works as advertised.

  8. All I know is that the Uber Eats delivery guys around where I live have no concern for anyone around them. They’ll park their bikes with those big stupid tires all along the sidewalk, blocking you from crossing. They just sit there staring at their phones.
    Then when they get an order, they take off, barely missing all the pedestrians. Fucking tired of them.

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