Jake Lee should take over Bullet Club Outcasts

Alright, so here's what I'm thinking:

  • Jake Lee takes over leadership of Chase, KENTA and Ishimori. He brands this sub-faction Bullet Club DDG: Drop-Dead Gorgeous. As in they're very F'N hot, and they will make you drop dead because they lethal bois. Also, I like continuity.
  • I don't like Chase, but him playing this delusional character where he thinks he's attractive, avoiding to get hit would be kind of fun.
  • DDG say they need a fifth member, so they reach out to ELP. Jake tries to manipulate ELP, saying he's been left all alone, and he needs support if he wants to succeed. The other DDG guys try to play these games too, especially ELP's former BC's Cutest Tag Team partner Taiji.
  • ELP decides to stay a babyface, but that's when the swerve happens – Oiwa makes his return, turns heel by voicing his frustrations, and completes DDG as their fifth guy!
  • the lineup consists of a solid top guy with a LOT of credentials (Jake), a future superstar in the making (Oiwa), an awesome Junior that is still great (Taiji), a decent midcarder that can put out a banger now and then (KENTA), and the comedy guy (Chase).

by Deep-Mix-2274

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