Is it true that Japanese medicine doesn’t work (well) for foreigners?

Hi! I have head some health problems ever since coming to Japan, so I have seen doctors on multiple occasions. However, I was told over and over again that some medication only works well for Japanese people. One time, a gynecologist told me that she would prescribe me some Chinese medicine, but that it only works for Japanese women, and in the end she didn't prescribe me anything. Is that really true? I know our metabolisms are different and stuff like that because the dosage for a lot of medication here is way lower than in the West, but is it really true that it has SUCH different effects on our bodies just because we are foreigners that it would justify e.g. not giving me any medication? (That one time it wasn't life-threating ofc, but I still was in a lot of pain.)

Edit: I'm not necessarily complaining about these doctor's education or skills. I am just frustrated with the way they speak to me sometimes and their reoccuring explanation of "Japanese people are different" but not elaborating.

by theendlesswitch

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