If anyone were to be able to send this song to me as a pdf on google drive I would really appreciate it if they happen to have it. [from this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlf32DXtSUc)
There are Visa/ Mastercard options for those not in the country to use the print out from convenience store method although after getting as far as the shopping cart, they prompt you to sign up for a Yamaha music ID before you can go any further.(You can do that with Google, Facebook, Twitter etc) If you need help navigating the site, I could help, but am afraid I don’t have the music myself.
Oh dude! You’re in luck! I LOVE that song Hirotaka Izumi, Omens of Love.
It’s real late here at the moment but send me a DM and I’ll find the MIDI or Sheets I have of it for you.
Hirotaka Izumi died last year I believe, its such a shame but he has some beautiful songs, Forgotten Saga is wonderful also.