Japan faces shortage of almost a million foreign workers in 2040

Japan faces shortage of almost a million foreign workers in 2040

by Prestigious_Net_8356

  1. False, just an excuse to not pay good wages or refuse to invest in innovation.

  2. Oh my God! I just took a nap and it’s 2040? This tablet has crazy good battery life!

  3. I dont think an economist can predict 15 years out accurately, consistently. I mean there are too many factors and variables that could change.

  4. You want help in labor but you don’t want to deal with gaijin helper. Make up your friggin mind will you?

    But then, since you’re so unaccommodating to foreigners you might as well face the consequence of your action.

  5. So would china and South Korea, invest in automation and robotics firm now.

  6. “It’s their fault for being foreigners……wait, wrong time to be saying that.” -Japanese labor minister probably.

  7. Not particularly pro-immigration myself (especially the haphazard mass immigration being adopted by some countries these days) but Japan (and soon Korea and China) are stark warnings of the problems of an aging and declining population combined with virtually no immigration.

  8. It’s so obvious no one wants this and I wish media like Japan Times would stop virtue-signalling.

    Only corporations and governments benefit from this in the form of low-wage labour and easy tax revenue. Unchecked immigration has forced most of Europe and AU/NZ/Canada into taking a hard right turn in political spectrum. Do we really want that?

  9. I’d gladly move there but then I’d want to work with anything other than English teacher 😛

  10. Japan creates everything for Japanese people. If foreigners like something they have made then it’s a bonus for the economy. Besides that Japanese people clearly don’t see the need for foreigners living here. It’s blatantly evident when you live in Japan.

  11. For immigration, it’s basically the US and the rest of the world

    The US has high payoff immigration, where the immigrants can generate outsized returns for themselves and the country (even if they are high skilled or low skilled). Think starting wildly successful businesses that employ many more people

    The rest of the world has “arms-length,” low payoff immigration where immigrants are expected to be cheap labor that keeps quiet. This style is just a band aid that won’t change the fortunes of Japan

    The success or failure of immigration is mostly a reflection of the society taking people in rather than immigrants themselves

  12. Japan needs to stop achieving new levels of human rights violations with their treatment of minority works as slaves. And maybe more might come.

  13. What, you mean foreigners from everywhere aren’t lined up around the block for the honor of being isolated and berated all day long by Bitchiko-san and her team of flying monkeys?…Who’da thunk.

  14. Once China take over Taiwan it will take Japan, so it actually going to be a Chinese issue

  15. no worries, the new gubment-made dating app will have the japanese pooping out tons of kiddos just in time

  16. It’s on them. Why should the world care. If they paid nicely and didn’t exploit their workers and it were profitable to the immigrants like in the US. They wouldn’t have these issues.

  17. Salary is so low for foreign workers it’s much better to work elsewhere.

    Also I read that there were many abuses by employees done to foreign trainees.

    If I were a nurse or a caregiver from the Philippines I would aim for an English speaking country, maybe the UK or the US. It’s just one less hurdle .

  18. Japan really really really does not want to have Indian workers. Look at what it’s done to Canada.. they go on work visas, organize protests and demand PR status almost immediately after.

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