upcoming ECC recruitment sessions in LA

is anyone else applying and/or considering ECC at the moment? i applied specifically for their North American recruitment knowing that it’s still up in the air and got an invite to attend their Toronto recruitment session (but i probably won’t be able to attend considering i live in LA). however, they did mention that they’re trying to bring back potential recruitment sessions in LA/another US city in October/November depending on the covid situation if anyone was curious. just wanted to share if anyone’s thinking about it/on the same boat. 🥹

1 comment
  1. Hi! So I was in the same boat as you about a month or so ago.
    I also live on the west coast (Oregon) so I understand how daunting it is to fly all the way to Toronto for sure. Initially I was invited to attend one of their recruitment sessions in LA, which were then cancelled due to COVID. They then told me that they weren’t sure when sessions would open up in the US again, but I was more than welcome at a recruitment session in Toronto. I decided to attend because I know I for sure want to teach in Japan next year, and didn’t wanna put it off waiting for another session in the US. I got an offer of employment from them a few weeks after attending the session, so it ended up working out.
    I know it’s super expensive and out of the way to fly from the west coast to Eastern Canada, but for the time being it looks like it may be a while until another session in the US will open up. It depends on your priorities, I guess. If you don’t mind waiting a bit to attend a session in the US, there’s always that option. But if time is a factor and you’re wanting to get to Japan a bit quicker, I would recommend biting the bullet and attending a session in Toronto, especially if you know ECC is the way you wanna go.

    Also, ECC recently told us that they’re going to begin sending over their first teachers from overseas since COVID began starting this June! So that’s kind of exciting. Then they’re going to send over the rest according to hire date. Which is why I’m most likely not going to be heading over until Spring.

    Hope I was able to help! I know the uncertainty can be a bit stressful but feel free to message me if you wanna👍🏻

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