Options to help free or repatriate animals or abolish abhorrent zoos

It's not a Japan only problem, I know.
While I'm doing my own research I thought I'd simultaneously ask and gather info and opinions over here.
Until now, I've tried to ignore the whole animal welfare situation or the very absence of it in Japan since it's just too painful to face for me but I come across zoos or animal parks and pet shops whenever I'm browsing GMaps and am reminded of the images of suffering animals I've seen here (online and irl). I just don't get how anyone sane can visit zoos here without feeling an ounce of pity and actually enjoy them and even leave positive reviews online?? Most of the deservedly negative comments criticizing the terrible conditions are from foreigners.
Like in what world would you have to live to actually enjoy seeing creatures out of their natural habitat, miserable, chained, and abused for entertainment. Don't come at me with the animal preservation argument which makes zero sense in itself. Any living being would prefer to live a life and die a death in freedom rather than in a cubicle surrounded by its own excrements.
So what can be done? Are there cases of animals ever beeing freed or repatriated or at least rehomed to a safari park or something bigger than a cubicle? Are there movements for the abolishment of zoos here? The whole idea of packing animals in cages in the middle of concrete hellscapes is just so absurd and I'm kinda mad with rage but I will calm down and look into what can actually be done about this.. Thank you for your comments in advance.

by moomini888

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