Clicked N4, instead of N5 on my JLPT application.

I shouldn’t have sent my application in the wee hours of the night while also being sleep deprived. Anyway, no use crying over spilled milk so I guess I just have to do my best in these 3 months and hope for the best. I’m using Minna no Nihongo. The one with N4-N5 lessons. 25 lessons for each level. I am also using flash cards and mock tests. What other books or other learning tips can you suggest? I am actually really overwhelmed right now and kind of panicky lol but I am still kind of hoping that I can pass it. I took an N5 class last year and been constantly learning through apps. Though I only do it for like a few minutes everyday. Also, is minna no nihongo reliable? I am just really panicking cuz most of the people in the JLPT groups I’ve joined are telling me that I’m going to fail. I mean, yeah. There’s a high possibility that I might. But still, if I could prevent that from happening then I would. So, please send help.

  1. Get the Migii JLPT app and do as many mock exams as you can. I just passed N4 and I believe that app really helped me.

  2. N5 doesnt mean much anyway, just train for N4 instead. 3 months should be OK if you dedicate at least 30 min per day.

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