Looking for advice from fellow freelance teacher

Hello everyone,

I’m posting hoping to get some advice on something that is driving me crazy.

I’m an Italian teacher and I work mainly as a freelancer. I find it extremely frustrating to close a sale with Japanese customers.

Most of them ghost me, suddenly stop replying to my e-mails, book a meeting and then don’t show up.

Recently I’ve started offering 30mins free consultations on Zoom, to build trust, but at the end they just go “I’ll think about it” and disappear.

I don’t know if I’m supposed to chase them, keep getting in touch until I get a “yes” or “no”, but I’ve always thought that would scare them away so I just let things as they are.

Please, can you tell me if I’m doing something wrong or if my approach is not effective? Or just any piece of advice would be great because this situation is really frustrating to me and I’m starting to lose motivation in what I’m doing.

Thanks in advance

by Mirineli

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