Dumb post about mosquitoes

Dumb story, but I need to know if its just a me thing.

I moved a couple years ago here, and since, I thought I haven’t gotten bitten by mosquitoes at all. That is in itself a bit weird, since I usually get bitten at the very least twice or thrice during the year, but whatever I thought I was just being lucky. I knew mosquitoes were around though, since I killed a bunch of them at my house, plenty of times. I just kept thinking I got them before they got me, since I had no bites.

That was until, a couple weeks ago, I literally caught a mosquito biting me, and then I killed it. The bite got inflamed, like usual, and it itched, again, like usual. Everything completely normal so far.

But then the weird thing happened, barely a couple hours later, I noticed I had no bite, nothing was left, not even a tiny red spot. That’s never happened to me. Usually when a mosquito bites me, inflammation has always lasted at the very minimum a day, but most likely two ore even more.

Since that day, I’ve seen them biting me again, twice, didn’t get to kill those though. They bit me in different places. But again, same results, a small inflammation bump appears, and like an hour later its completely gone and 100% invisible. That just… never happened to me before. Is this a normal occurrence?

Are mosquitoes here any different from the ones we have in Europe/US…? I can’t seem to find any info saying they are different in that way…

  1. Japanese mosquitoes don’t have a taste for foreigners. After it realized its mistake, it let out an inaudible “sumimasen” and forfeited its life to save face.

  2. I get bit like crazy which is annoying but typically it’s always a small red bump and I barely notice unless I touch it. But a recent one on my wrist swelled and the skin around it had a huge purple bruise like I was bit by a flipping cobra, it’s still recovering now after like a week with some red marks. Moral of the story – you’re fine until you’re not

  3. I believe they are a different species to other countries, to be vague according to google.

  4. Did you go to a park in the evening in summer? I get bitten all the time that I now use repellant when I take my daughter to the park. Maybe they require long term residency.

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