Japan is cooking for the next 48 hours

Looking at highs in the 37-39c range in Kanto Monday, with Tuesday hitting the 35-36c mark before things calm down Wednesday.

Wanted to provide weather charts, but no go here. So, the culprit is this high pressure system parked off the coast of the country. It’s keeping hot air sealed here and acts as a lid on pollutants, giving us these upper 30 days along with bad air to boot.

Good news is that JMA models are showing this dome of high pressure breaking up around Wednesday, and high temps for the latter part of the week are expected to be around a more seasonable 30-32c.

Clear beautiful skies through Wednesday. Nothing to block that sweet UV super radiation from coming in a frying your ass in a heartbeat. Use sunscreen and stay hydrated out there.


by Neko_Dash

  1. I choose a good time to escape to Amami Oshima , where it looks to be substantially cooler than Tokyo for the next few days

  2. Just bought the UV umbrella recently, a little bit embarrassed to use it since its mostly girl thingy but syoganai

  3. Hitting the beach tomorrow! Yay hot weather and particle size in the air…oh wait. Well anyway, beach

  4. Kyushu seems to be getting a week of rain from Wednesday, apparently rainy season is back on after a short break in time for tanabata…

  5. Kansai looks rainy for the next week. Hope that breaks up the heat a bit.

  6.  I was going to go to a festival in a prefecture next to me but decided I didn’t want to die yet.

  7. >a more seasonable 30-32c.

    If you need me I’ll just be filling the bath with ice.

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