Looking for weird themed bars/cafes/night life like muscle girl bar or breast milk bar

Been living in Tokyo for a couple months now and have been most enjoying nightlife when it gets weird, which seems to be often. Some favorites have been a cyberpunk bar that serves vacuum sealed burgers, a host club that had somen with a water slide for the noodles, and kagaya isakaya (with the guy who dresses up as a frog). To be tried still are the muscle girl bar and the breast milk bar (still not sure how I feel about this one but looking forward to having the story to tell either way). I just want to know what else on the weird spectrum I’m missing out on. Can be a host club, maid cafe, bar, nightclub, regular cafe, if it’s something that makes you go wtf when you walk in or at some point throughout I wanna put it on my list.

Also open to any recs that are cool but not weird, for example I went to a magic bar in Ginza that I quite enjoyed, and I love all the random animal cafes as well.

by lunatoons291

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