Jpdb and Sentence mine? Or will either work

Hey everyone! I been reading for a while and have already seen alot of my Anki decks. I’m just literally reading anything and trying to remember everything every session, every moment. Not at all collecting what I have learned from native material. It’s been fun! Wanted to get into sentence mining but I think I wanted to try to complete a deck to the end, specifically for the Trails of Cold Steel series.
There’s alot of Vocab in this and wanted to know if this is a good way to go about learning.

How has your experiences been? Any other advice? Thanks!

1 comment
  1. When creating your own decks/downloading decks, go by “does this interest me”/”does this help me”, it doesnt matter how much vocabs there are in a deck, or how famous one is, it matters what **use** you get out of these vocabs.

    You can learn 10000 random vocabs but if you dont encounter them, you wont grasp them. It will just be a matter of time until you forget the unused ones.

    Learning vocabs that fits your needs -> able to consume more(difficult) media you desire -> more fun/time invested learning -> being able to comprehend more towards specific contents -> easier time learning words from the contents

    and then the cycle repeats.

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